To pay count fees, copy this link and paste in your browser (please include your count name!):
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This is the login page to a web based system for entering, reviewing and storing data for the NABA Butterfly Count Program, an ongoing program of NABA to census the butterflies of North America (United States, Canada and partially Mexico) and to publish the results. More information on the count program may found at NABA Butterfly Counts (
When compilers and regional editors log into this website for the first time, they need click on the Sign Up link and create their own username and password and provide contact information. Subsequently, they can log in directly. Regional editors should get in touch with the technical contact below to be provided access to counts in their region.

Website developed by the North American Butterfly Association and Redshift Technologies.

Support provided by National Biological Information Infrastructure.

For technical issues with this web site, please contact or click here.